The Kitchen

The Kitchen

There’s a new kitchen opening up in town.

Some ingredients are grown in-house – simple but juicy tomatoes, colourful bell peppers and a handful of flavourful herbs.

Other items like organic eggs, crunchy kale, and succulent shallots need bringing in from experts. The kitchen has built a small but trusted network of local cultivators to help source these.

Then there are the more exotic ingredients – tantalising, exciting, diverse. They’re coming soon. For now the kitchen focuses on the items it knows best, because it holds a secret.

The magic of this kitchen is its ability can make a few staple ingredients come to life in new ways. 

And besides, this place ain’t like any old kitchen. 

Guests can choose from the menu and the kitchen will happily suggest what’s best for their individual mood and palette, but guests are equally welcome to add or change certain elements to their taste. They can take away the recipe for each dish if they want it. 

And it’s an open-house policy.

No idea what this dish is? Just ask.

Want to talk to the chef? You got it.

Got bad table manners? Don’t worry, us too.

Fancy spending an hour with the supplier? They’re here next Tuesday evening – come and have a drink with them and find out about their produce.

Interested in learning to become a chef yourself? Come on in.

This is our kitchen.

Right now there’s one of us in the kitchen each day, and a talented technical chef who comes by once a week. 

Although we’re only working with a few key ingredients, we’re creating some pretty cool stuff with what we’ve got (and yes, occasionally we have to trash some of the more inedible experiments – but we may sure they get recycled or composted)

We’re looking for more players in this ensemble. 

More chefs in the kitchen. Both specialists and generalists. Those with flair, diligence, an adventurous palette, and a joy in sharing the simple things in life.

We’ll definitely be looking for a front of house team, but not just just yet. 

Why? This kitchen doesn’t have its own restaurant. Right now we’re a hole in the wall, a grab and go. Great value, no frills, word of mouth. Serve it up family style, or have it just for you. Eat with your hands or use a knife and fork.

As for delivery – we don’t work with those big delivery services you’re familiar with. We know we may do so in the future, but for now you’ve got to find us through your own initiative. Our door is tucked away from the main streets, somewhere unassuming and inconspicuous. Don’t worry, there’s no password or burly security guards at the door. Just press the appropriate buzzer. 

Once you’ve found us, you’re welcome.

This is our kitchen. It’s focused on modern work life, and the chapters of our personal & professional journeys.

We cook up books, podcasts, and digital games.

We concoct classes and workshops, and pair up coaches and peer groups.

Come and eat, or join us to cook. Pick some ingredients, make it a la carte, or go completely off piste.

If you’ve read this far, you’re more than welcome here, and we’d love to hear from you.

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