Dress Up, Dress Down.

Since 2015 I’ve been a workshop facilitator and teacher serving all sorts of groups: teenagers, graduates, mid level managers, senior directors, and C-suite executives.
Many of the larger sessions I’ve done have been 2 day bootcamps. Sometimes they’re for members of one company, other times they’re open to anyone who wants to buy a ticket.
On day 1, most people will show up fairly well turned out. These workshops are business settings, so most attendees will arrive what they consider to be business clothing. But not everyone. Some people will be more casual. Occasionally, far more casual.
Whatever the case, something happens overnight.
On day 2*, many of the well-attired group will arrive noticeably more dressed down, while many of the more casually dressed attendees come to the session a little smarter than they were the day before.
As we become part of this tribe, this community for a couple of days at least, we’re all seeking consensus, alignment, recognition.
And I say ‘we’ as this includes me. I adjust in line too.
Because, consciously or not, we’re all seeking something.
* This of course is even more noticeable if day 2 is a Friday.