As good as it gets

As good as it gets

It’s easy to forget that even Hollywood legends had to start somewhere.

There was once a time when Jack Nicholson was pounding the pavements of Los Angeles, trying to get hired. Before the yeses began to flow, he was on the receiving end of inevitable rejections.

But there was also a part in the middle.

The producers and studio execs would still tell Jack they didn’t need him, but instead of a flat no, they acknowledged something else.

Rumour has it that it went a bit like this:

“We don’t need you right now, but when we need you… well, we’re really gonna need you.”

The market wasn’t ready. Not yet at least. But it would be.

These execs knew Jack had something: it was hard to pin down; difficult to pigeon-hole; yet absolutely undeniable.

So, Jack’s path forward wasn’t necessarily easy, but it sure was simple.

He just had to stay in the game. Keep doing the thing. And stay being Jack.

If you’re pounding the pavements right now, maybe it’s worth thinking about how you can be a Jack of your trade.

Because when they need you…

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