Connecting people isn’t so much of a problem anymore. The internet enables just about anyone to connect with anyone else.

The problem now is more around finding, filtering, aligning.

The problem appears it’s getting people to Stand Up If.

Stand up if you want to work at a non profit.

Stand up if you want to be a leader.

Stand up if you want to work with a coach.

Stand up if you’re looking for love.

Stand up if you’ve never done this before.

Stand up if you’d rather be somewhere else.

Stand up if you see another way ahead.

Asking people to Stand Up If… works to a degree, but what if there are a lot of people in the room? 

How do we know who to align with?

What if some people are afraid, or unsure whether to stand up? 

What if they just can’t stand up?

So in fact the problem isn’t getting people to Stand Up If.

The problem, the challenge, is how we can design the conditions to help people figure out what they want to stand up for, recognise and respect the different ways they may choose to show it, and to empower them to do so.

It’s not easy, but it’s important.

If working on this challenge is something you’d like to Stand Up for, let me know.

Stand Up if…

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