Let’s start at happy hour, the mixer, the meetup.

You show up and contribute. Through a conversation, an idea, a question, a connection, an act of generosity.

The happy hour may lead to a blog post, a workshop, or a chance to share some work in the wild.

The post or the workshop lead to a proposal, an online course, a workbook, or a bootcamp.

These lead to consulting contracts, programs, maybe a book.

The book leads to speaking gigs.

The speaking gigs lead to more consulting contracts, more clients, more recognition.

And onwards.

There are ways to reconfigure this route, but not every part can be reconfigured to suit you.

The most important part is to start at the beginning. It’s not glamorous or lucrative or noteworthy, but if you want to last it’s the place to start.

And there are of course are many places to begin. Just be sure they’re at the beginning.

Gateway Drugs

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